Hello! I am Marco Lamperti, untenured Assistant Professor (RTDA) of Physics at University of Insubria, and this is my personal professional page.


I am an optical physicist working across quantum optics, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. I love to apply physics (especially if it involves ultrafast lasers) to problems related to chemistry and biology. I am basically a cat.


I was born (scientifically) at University of Insubria, where I graduated (BS, MS and PhD) in physics, working on quantum optic and fluorescence spectroscopy for biophysical applications, possibly combining concepts from both worlds. I then moved to the COSMOS Lab of Politecnico di Milano in the beautiful city of Lecco for 5+ years, where I learnt to work with optical frequency combs to do ultra-accurate rovibrational IR spectroscopy. Applications ranged from fundamental physics to combustion.

In June 2022 I returned to Uninsubria, where I plan to integrate my expertise in IR/Raman laser spectroscopy and laser technology with the activities of the groups of Prof. Allevi, Dr. Bondani and Dr. Nardo.

Apart from research, I teach a (hopefully) amazing course where we explore the power of Python for real world data analysys problems.


What I love more of the academic environment is the contact with younger and older people bringing in their freshness and experience. I believe this is the soul of research, and I try to build a friendly environment around me, where diversity (of all forms: of thoughts, first) is valued.

If you want to give your contribution, feel free to stop by for a chat and a coffee.


My office is room 2.4 in the Tower building in via Valleggio, second floor. If I’m not there, I might be wandering at the third floor, most probably around either of the labs Fotofisica e biomolecole (Prof. Luca Nardo) or Ottica quantistica (Profs. Alessia Allevi and Maria Bondani).